Friday, October 27

Not only am I...

Yes, not only am I a quiz genius (I've now won the quiz two weeks in a row!) BUT I am also...


The Cao Rou Champion of Aston Schools China! What that means is I am fucking brilliant at eating Cao Rou (that's kebabs) and I can also drink beer.

The challenge was 100 skewers of cao rou and 5 bottles of beer in 100 minutes. The results? I ate 100 + cao rou and three 625 ml bottles of beer in 8 minutes and finished the last two bottles in another 15 minutes. My closest competitor finished 1 minute after me, he was also sick 3 minutes after I finished forfeiting his place as the second best eater. The third person to finish was... ughh... god knows who and how long they took to finish but they weren't very good what ever happened to them.

This challenge was also going on simultaneously across China in a few other cities and they were destroyed by my families great eating and drinking genes.

And, aghh, it's halloween soon and I still need to find a costume. There's also two parties to attend then and teaching... gona be a busy night. Another quiz on Sunday and I have to attend to keep my mighty quiz crown and because my friend is the quiz master.

Too much stuff to do in little China.

Monday, October 16

Pub Quiz

I won a freaking pub quiz, booya!

At around 11pm last night me and 4 friends managed to kick ass and win the GZ Jazz Bar's pub quiz by an out=standing margin of three points! Brilliant I know, it takes a certain type of person to win a quiz against a field of enemies as deadly as ours was. It was neck and neck through out a good portion of the quiz, but when we slammed down our 'Joker' (double points) on the China round there was no looking back. 18 out of a possible 20 there, just as good as our domination of the Sports round which we won with a score of 9/10.

I must say, this will go down in the analls of quizzes as a great day!

After winning we received our prize, a bottle of barcardi. Although I wasn't up for drinking at all my team mates managed to finish it, and we shared the wealth with those other teams who we dominated so easily.

All in all a fun night, although I was slightly dissapointed by the fact that no muslim kebab men were open at 3;45am where I lived, you could get everything else but muslim kebab sandwhich goodness.... GIVE ME MY CAO ROO SANDWHICH.

P.s. I'm so tempted by buying a Sony Reader, but I don't trust the first generation. Sony Reader is the portable book device... thing. It needs further examining, to be tested and the price to go down first though.

Monday, October 9


I'd recommend going on a gap year some where Beth, it's really fun and you'll be glad you did it. China is great, for me anyway.

Aghh, I'm shit at the internet

I like... suck at ever writing on the internet, I always remember to do something walking on the way to work then forgot 12 hours later walking back home... DUH!

I will honestly doobley try and post more here for people (maybe two people will read this!).

Since last post I have;

Started playing football again (it was fun playingm and just as much fun buying the clothes I needed to play! Shopping and sport in one day, yay!) but now my body aches a bit more than usual...

Moved my school. Not a new job, but we all had to move our school from one location to another... well 'had' to. The Chinese teachers were made to, and we like them, they're our friends, so we helped them all out. It's a bit fucking mean making the Chinese teachers do it (slave labour like ya) especially as 15 of them are women, 3 are men.... they can't be lifting those heavy things. Chinese women are paper thin and weak as kittens, gotta love 'em.

Started growing some near beard like action (too lazy to shave). Rawr, so manly and sexy I know! And with my current head band phase, red hair, red England shirt (football shopping!) my facial structure and rugged beardyness looks damn good.

Worked hard! Just so you know, I do work damn hard teaching English, it's not just messing about, but is extremely fun and makes you sometimes feel like you're making some small difference to peoples lives.

Had a small holiday, got very drunk (5 + litres of the vodka, tequilla and bacardy were drunk, maybe more, between us 4 people) and got attacked by out of town drunk Chinese people who don't like sexy white folks. This has resulted me swearing off hard-alcohol for 6 months... I'll try atleast!

What I need to do;

Go shopping.... RIGHT NOW! I am not shopping whilst I am writing this, and I need new trousers... arawr!

Use Skype and phone y'all. I'm sorry for not phoning, I could've, but I just have been lazy. Gona phone people tonight.

If anyone would like me to phone them, email me;

Join the gym... aghh, but I need a boss sort of bloke to go with me to get our company discount.

Get a Chinese bank-account! I don't like walking around with huge ammounts of Chinese currency. Having 10,000 Yuan in your pocket after pay day is not as fun as it sounds when you walk down dark alleys to gt home.

Now, more posting, maybe pictures (Need to buy a web cam!) soon.